Super Écran has announced that CATASTROPHE, a new original series starring Julie Perreault and Rossif Sutherland, will air in February 2017. Gilbert Sicotte, Christiane Pasquier, Véronique Le Flaguais, Patrick Hivon, Jean-Nicolas Verreault, Daniel Parent and Sandra Dumaresq will also join the cast.
The plot of CATASTROPHE starts with a one-night stand—an encounter that is not meant to have a future. Audrey (Julie Perreault), a Quebecer and Frank (Rossif Sutherland), an American who is a Francophile, experience the most intense six days of their lives. A few weeks later, Frank gets a phone call from Audrey: he finds out that she is pregnant. The couple decides to have a go at parenting together, despite knowing each other very little.
The production is about the power love has to change lives; the kind of love that surprises you and makes you throw common sense out the window. The kind that pushes you to relocate from Seattle to Montreal to live with a pregnant school teacher after knowing her for just a few days. Witty, quick, and salacious dialogue covers topics like sex, escape, anxiety, and passion.
The sitcom is an adaptation based on Catastrophe, a format distributed by Avalon Distribution, produced Avalon Television Ltd with Birdbath Productions and Merman Films and written by Rob Delaney and Sharon Horgan.
Filming will take place in Montreal next September and October. The first six 30-minute episodes will be aired exclusively on Super Écran in 2017.
Louise Archambault (Gabrielle, Familia) has been chosen to direct the project, while Daniel Michaud and Denis Savard will take on the roles of producers for 1R2D.
Photo credit: Andréanne Gauthier
An international press coverage
Catastrophe to be remade in French
For the Canadian market
Rob Delaney and Sharon Horgan’s comedy Catastrophe is to be remade in French.
The new version will be made for the broadcaster Super Écran in French-speaking Canada, where it is set to air in early 2017.
Still called Catastrophe – though pronounced differently – the show will star Julie Perreault as Audrey, a Quebecois school teacher, and Rossif Sutherland (the son of Donald Sutherland) as Frank, an American Francophile who hooks up with her in Montreal.
The pair bear a physical similarity to Delaney and Horgan, who both wrote and starred in the Channel 4 original.
Their series has now been sold to more than 120 territories including France, Spain, Australia, Israel and the US, as well as an on-demand deal with Amazon Prime – but this is the first time the rights to a remake have been secured. Avalon Distribution, a sister company of co-producers Avalon TV, sold the rights to Canadian company 1R2D.
Filming on the remake will take place in Montreal this autumn.
Catastrophe has been universally acclaimed by critics – with a 100 per cent rating from professional reviews as gauged by Rotten Tomatoes – and has won a slew of accolades, including two Royal Television Society awards, two Broadcasting Press Guild Awards, a craft Bafta, a Rose D’Or and a South Bank Sky Arts Award.
Published by Chortle on June 16th 2016
Julie Perreault et Rossif Sutherland dans CATASTROPHE, une nouvelle série originale de Super Écran
MONTRÉAL (16 juin 2016) – Super Écran annonce la diffusion en février 2017 de CATASTROPHE, une nouvelle série originale avec Julie Perreault et Rossif Sutherland dans les rôles principaux. Gilbert Sicotte, Christiane Pasquier, Véronique Le Flaguais, Patrick Hivon, Jean-Nicolas Verreault, Daniel Parent et Sandra Dumaresq font également partie de la distribution.
L’histoire de CATASTROPHE commence par un « one night stand », une aventure supposée sans lendemain. Audrey, une Québécoise (Julie Perreault), et Frank (Rossif Sutherland), un Américain francophile, vivent les six jours les plus intenses de leur vie. Quelques semaines plus tard, Frank reçoit un appel téléphonique d’Audrey : il apprend qu’elle est enceinte. Le couple décide de tenter l’expérience d’être parents ensemble, même s’ils se connaissent peu.
La production porte sur le pouvoir de l’amour à changer des vies, celui qui surprend et qui fait oublier le gros bon sens. Le genre d’amour qui pousse un homme à déménager de Seattle à Montréal pour y vivre avec une enseignante enceinte après l’avoir connue pendant quelques jours. Les répliques vives, rapides et salaces traitent de sexe, de fuite, d’angoisse et de passion.
Le tournage aura lieu à Montréal en septembre et octobre prochain. Les six premiers épisodes de 30 minutes seront diffusés en exclusivité à Super Écran dès février 2017. La réalisation a été confiée à Louise Archambault (Gabrielle, Familia) alors que Daniel Michaud et Denis Savard sont les producteurs pour 1R2D.
Cette sitcom, écrite par Rob Delaney et Sharon Horgan, est une adaptation du format éponyme distribué par Avalon Television Ltd avec Birdbath Productions et Merman Films.
Published by BellMédia on June 16th 2016
French language remake for Catastrophe in Canada
“The. Best. TV romance. Ever.”
Robert Rorke, The New York Post (USA)
“I’ve never laughed so much at foetal abnormality and cervical dysplasia…Comedy is bloody hard to do: which is why, when something as wonderfully funny as Channel 4’s Catastrophe appears, it feels so very, very exciting”
Grace Dent, The Independent (UK)
It was announced today (Thursday 16th June 2016) that after broadcasting in the UK, USA and in multiple territories around the world to universal acclaim, Avalon Distribution have announced the first scripted-format sale of Catastrophe. The series, also called Catastrophe, is being produced by 1R2D for the broadcaster Super Écran in French-speaking Canada and is set to air in early 2017.
Filming will take place in Montreal this autumn and will star JULIE PERREAULT as Audrey, a Quebecois school teacher, and ROSSIF SUTHERLAND as Frank, an American Francophile who make a bloody mess as they struggle to fall in love in Montreal. Clumsy lust, instant pregnancy, and genuine disaster provide the foundation for this flaming hovel of a relationship. The series will be directed by LOUISE ARCHAMBAULT (Gabrielle and Familia).
It is based on, Catastrophe (12 x 30’), written and created by Rob Delaney and Sharon Horgan and produced by Avalon Television with Birdbath Productions and Merman Films for Channel 4 in the UK and Amazon Prime in the USA. The original series has now been sold to over 120 territories worldwide by Avalon Distribution. Most recent sales include: Lifetime (US), Canal + (France), Movistar+ (Telefonica, Spain), ABC (Australia), Direct TV (Pan Americana) and HOT (Israel).
These acquisitions join previous deals with Amazon (USA) and Amazon Prime Instant (UK), Sky (NZ), Channel 2 (Iceland), AMC Networks for Sundance Channel (Benelux), Canadian subscription VoD service Shomi and Scandinavian pubcasters SVT (Sweden), DR (Denmark), YLE (Finland) and NRK (Norway).
Both series of Catastrophe have a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes (representing the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or TV show) and after transmitting on Channel 4 it is available exclusively in the USA to Amazon Prime Instant Video members.
Catastrophe has currently won: two 2016 Royal Television Society Awards(Scripted Comedy and Writer: Comedy) two 2016 Broadcasting Press Guild Awards (Best Comedy and Best Writer), a 2016 BAFTA TV Craft (Writer: Comedy), a 2016 Rose D’Or Award (Best Sitcom), and a 2016 South Bank Sky Arts Award (Comedy).
Published by Avalon on June 16th 2016
Catastrophe: Frankokanadisches Remake kommt Anfang 2017
Rossif Sutherland und Julie Perreault
(c) Super Écran